Logical blocks, 48 pieces in a wooden box. А378/1

A372. Деревянная развивающая игрушка. Простые дроби1/2-1/6. НУШ.Komarovtoys
Wooden fraction set with magnets 1- 1/10 . A372/1
Wooden box for packing toys, teaching materials, souvenirs

Logical blocks, 48 pieces in a wooden box. А378/1

Logical blocks are effective didactic material that successfully combines elements of a constructor and an educational game. The set consists of 48 volumetric geometric shapes differing in color (red, blue, green), shapes (rectangular, round, triangular, square), size (large, small) and thickness (thick, thin). Each figure is characterized by four properties. The main goal is to teach a child to solve logical problems by breaking down according to properties. The figures are painted in bright colors, the details are well polished. Packed in a  wood box.