Wooden toys

Perhaps no other material is as close to a person as a wood. A wooden toy is the first toy that children played many centuries ago.

The unique texture of the wood, its warmth and a special smell - because of this we surround ourselves with objects made of wood.

Buying a toy for a child from a wood, we are attracted to the fact that they are environmentally friendly (but, provided that non-toxic paints and varnishes were used for coating).

In addition, wooden toys have even more important advantages, they are never cold to the touch, they have low weight and are quite strong. Particular benefit of wooden toys is noted by children's psychologists.

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Our toys


Cubes alphabet, cubes puzzle


Easels for chalk and markers.

Developmental toys

Laces, frame-puzzle, pyramids, sorters, puzzles, letters on magnets, abacus, building kits


Theaters of shadows, screens for the theater of shadows, screens for puppet theater

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We monitor the quality of toys in every detail


Years on the market

Own production 100%


Toys in a regular assortment

We manufacture toys according to customer's designs

Our production