Number Blocks. Т604

Дерев'яна розвиваюча іграшка Кубики Російська абетка. Т602 Komarovtoys
Russian alphabet blocks Russian. T602
Розвиваюча іграшка Театр тіней J702 Komarovtoys
Shadow puppet theatre “The bully-goat”, “The turnip”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Bun”. J702

Number Blocks. Т604

Learning to count is as easy as 1, 2, 3!  It’s a fantastic way to engage little pairs of eyes, too!

The 12 wooden numbers blocks are decorated with the numbers 0-9 and various signs and symbols . All the blocks have one number or symbol on each side. The number blocks are the perfect size for being grabbed by little hands
Crafted from responsibly sourced materials,  the number blocks are made from high quality, sustainably sourced wood.